
Here is some information regarding Just Natural and the benefits we can provide:

  • The packing facility is a brand new purpose built unit that has been designed in a modular fashion to allow us to grow volume from the site and allow each part of the operation to have a dedicated area.
  • It has been designed to maximise efficiency and reduce the distance the product has to move therefore reducing the risk of contamination.
  • We visually inspect all our ingredients for foreign objects.
  • We pack into dedicated plastic totes for storage at our distribution site as this removes card board boxes and reduces our carbon footprint

We have been accredited by the soil association and the Coeliac society.

Our process here includes the following

We only purchase from approved suppliers.

  • All our goods come with certification and we don’t release the goods in to the warehouse until we have cross referenced the certification and specifications with the delivery.
  • We then test the goods for Gluten, only once the test comes back clear do we label the goods GF and they have their own colour coded ID tags.
  • All our pallet ID,s include goods in number, country of origin, raw material number, supplier, lot number, best before, unit weight, total weight delivered.
  • We then carry all the above information on to our pick and packing documents.
  • We then swab and test all the equipment we will use on the that production run.
  • We then visually inspect all our goods prior to packing on our process line.
  • Once we are confident the goods are correct we then pack the goods.
  • We then test the finished goods for possible contaminant, if the goods test clear we then place the goods on hold while we send finished goods samples away for testing in an independent verified lab for testing.
  • Once this test comes back clear we then release the goods for sale.

Everyone on site has carried out food hygiene and allergen training which is then followed by an exam.

We measure all our cleaning on ATP readers that record the data digitally so they can’t amend the results

Each person has their own log in on the ATP Reader (ATP reads the available proteins left following cleaning) so we can see who has cleaned what

We always wash our equipment and site to Organic standards.